Café Bahasa

Venue for Language Enthusiasts

Hey language enthusiasts!

Welcome to your new favorite corner of the website.

Whether you’re new in learning German or already have some basic knowledge, you’ve landed in the right place. Here, you’ll find several grammar explanations and example sentences. Each topic is completed with exercises so that you can practice grammar in an engaging and more fun way.

Welcome to the club, little grammar. Let me know you better.

Choose a section below. Before you jump into a chapter, visit the part Pengenalan Kosakata first.
Here, you will get to know words that we will be using in the next chapters.

Do you have coffee on your table?

Nice, let’s get started.

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Pengenalan Kosakata

Coming soon

☕ Kapan menggunakan Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ, Genitiv
☕ Penggunaan Verb, Nomen dan Adjektiv
☕ Verben
☕ Imperativ
☕ Komparativ und Superlativ
☕ Passivsätze

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